Welcome to Francisco Farias elementary School

Falcon Family, As we say goodbye to another academic year and eagerly anticipate the warm adventures of summer, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey we have shared. To all our students, I wish you a summer filled with laughter, relaxation, and unforgettable moments. Take this time to refresh, discover your passions, and create memories with friends and family. Whether you're traveling or enjoying the simple pleasures of home, may you find joy and innovation in every moment. As we reflect on the past year, I am filled with appreciation for the untiring dedication of our teachers and staff. Your diligent efforts, inspiration, and commitment to our students have laid the foundation for their achievement and growth. Thank you for your guidance, and your steadfast belief in the potential of every student who walks through our doors. Finally, to our entire school community, thank you for your flexibility, and forte throughout this year. Together, we have circumnavigated uncertainties, celebrated victories, and arose stronger. As we look ahead, let us continue to support and lift one another, knowing that there is no challenge we cannot overcome. As the sun shines happier, may this summer be a time of happiness, rejuvenation, and connection for us all. Stay safe, stay well, and I look forward to welcoming you back another amazing school year.

  • FariasHP

    Falcon Family, As we say goodbye to another academic year and eagerly anticipate the warm adventures of summer, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey we have shared. To all our students, I wish you a summer filled with laughter, relaxation, and unforgettable moments. Take this time to refresh, discover your passions, and create memories with friends and family. Whether you're traveling or enjoying the simple pleasures of home, may you find joy and innovation in every moment. As we reflect on the past year, I am filled with appreciation for the untiring dedication of our teachers and staff. Your diligent efforts, inspiration, and commitment to our students have laid the foundation for their achievement and growth. Thank you for your guidance, and your steadfast belief in the potential of every student who walks through our doors. Finally, to our entire school community, thank you for your flexibility, and forte throughout this year. Together, we have circumnavigated uncertainties, celebrated victories, and arose stronger. As we look ahead, let us continue to support and lift one another, knowing that there is no challenge we cannot overcome. As the sun shines happier, may this summer be a time of happiness, rejuvenation, and connection for us all. Stay safe, stay well, and I look forward to welcoming you back another amazing school year.